Workplace Violence Incident Investigations

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers must investigate and address workplace violence incidents and complaints. These incidents not only harm workers but also result in significant costs for employers and the healthcare system. Effective investigations present a valuable opportunity to learn, make improvements and create a healthier and safer workplace for all.
This toolkit equips healthcare and community service organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to conduct thorough investigations. It provides guidance on:
- Understanding legal obligations
- Adopting best practices
- Building investigator competency
- Uncovering root causes
- Monitoring trends
- Taking steps to preventing future harm
The toolkit also includes 12 helpful appendices support program implementation and record keeping:
- Appendix G – Paper and Electronic Data Collection Form
- Appendix H – OHSA Compliance Checklist
- Appendix I – Incident Investigation Information Mapping Tool
- Appendix J – Incident Investigation Report Form
- Appendix K – Recommended Corrective Action and Implementation Planning Template
- Appendix L – Workplace Violence Incident Investigation Tracking Tool
PSHSA will soon host a free webinar that will provide an overview of the new Workplace Violence Incident Investigation Toolkit. This webinar will cover key elements for conducting effective investigations, including identifying systemic issues and implementing corrective actions.
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